wooden bricks showing the words SEO and SEM

Uncovering the Difference Between SEO and Digital Marketing

Have you ever wondered why some websites are on page 1 of Google and others are invisible in the vastness of the internet? Understanding 2 key concepts, SEO and digital marketing and how they work together can open up a revenue stream for your digital business. In this post we’ll dive into the world of the difference between SEO and digital marketing, we’ll break it down and show you how combining them will get you online results.


Here’s the difference in a nutshell.

  • SEO and Digital Marketing is crucial for website traffic, understanding consumer needs and overall online marketing strategy.
  • SEO is long term, Digital Marketing can deliver quicker results through paid channels. Combining both gets you synergy and more conversions.
  • Hiring the right people means knowing what they do so you can make informed decisions that serve your business goals.
  • SEO is not Digital Marketing, understand it’s part of any website development strategy in the first phase of work to maximise your opportunities and digital growth.
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SEO: The Key to Organic Traffic

SEO stands for search engine optimisation, optimising websites for organic traffic. This part of search engine marketing drives website traffic, understand consumer needs and cost effective build trust.

We can dive into on-page, off-page and technical SEO to break down the different SEO tactics.

On-Page SEO Techniques

On-page SEO is the art of optimising website content to target specific intent and keywords in sections such as headers, meta descriptions, content body and URLs. This includes content elements, site architecture elements, HTML elements, keyword optimisation, meta descriptions, title tags, internal links, URLs and content freshness.

On-page SEO aims to make your web pages more relevant and understandable to users and search engines, optimise their visibility and ranking in search results. Crafting and optimising your content thoroughly will increase your website visibility to your target audience.

Off-Page SEO Methods

On-page SEO focuses on optimising content within your website, off-page SEO focuses on getting visibility from other websites, mainly through link building. Off-page SEO tactics include link building, guest blogging and social media promotion, all of which gets you valuable backlinks.

Link building for example creates backlinks from other websites to your own, increases your site’s authority and ranking. Other off-page SEO methods such as social media engagement and influencer outreach will further increase your website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of both search engines and users.

Technical SEO Tactics

Technical SEO tactics focus on improving the user experience on a website by optimising its performance, mobile responsiveness and navigation. These include:

  • Site Structure
  • Site Speed
  • XML sitemaps
  • Hosting

All to help search engine crawl, index and rank the site better.

Some benefits of technical SEO include:

  • Higher search engine rankings
  • More organic traffic
  • Faster website
  • Better user experience
  • More conversions
man using a laptop

Digital Marketing beyond SEO

SEO is part of digital marketing but the online marketing world goes beyond this one tactic. Digital marketing uses various online channels to promote a brand and reach target audience including paid, social media and email marketing.

We will look into these channels and how they contribute to a full digital marketing strategy, including the impact of digital marketing efforts.

Paid Advertising Channels

Paid advertising channels allows businesses to promote their products or services through targeted ads. These channels include:

  • Paid search
  • Display ads
  • Retargeting
  • Social ads
  • Paid content promotion

Paid search advertising for example allows businesses to reach people who are actively searching for a similar product or service.

Paid social media advertising on the other hand uses popular social media platforms to create visibility to targeted audience through ads. Using these paid channels will get you targeted traffic and conversions fast and makes them a must have in any digital marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing Tactics

Social media marketing creates and shares content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to build brand awareness and maintain customer relationships. A successful social media campaign requires:

  • Social storytelling mastery
  • Presence on relevant platforms
  • Content repurposing
  • Tagging relevant accounts
  • Plan and calendar
  • Posting at optimal times
  • Consistency
  • Chatbots and automation tools
  • More video content
  • Buyer personas and target audience research
  • Clear goals

Knowing your niche and target audience in social media will allow you to:

  • Tailor your content to their interests and preferences
  • Use various tactics to optimise your social media presence
  • Reach more people
  • Build a deeper relationship with your customers.

Email Marketing

Email marketing campaigns are a powerful tool for businesses, using targeted messaging to nurture leads, promote offers and maintain customer loyalty. These digital marketing campaigns will increase engagement and conversions making them a must have in any digital marketing strategy.

To create an email marketing campaign follow these:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Segment your audience
  3. Create compelling content
  4. Test your campaigns

By sending targeted and relevant content you can keep your customers engaged and get them to take the desired action whether to buy, subscribe to a newsletter or share your content with their network.

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SEO vs Digital Marketing: What’s the Difference

At first glance SEO and digital marketing are two sides of the same coin. But upon closer inspection there are big differences in their goals, metrics and timeframe to see results. Let’s get into those differences and how it will affect your overall marketing strategy.

Goals and Metrics

SEO aims to improve organic search rankings and traffic, digital marketing aims to build brand visibility and customer acquisition. Traditionally the metrics used to measure SEO success is organic traffic, website rankings and keyword rankings while the metrics used to measure digital marketing success is website traffic, leads and sales. But let’s be honest the bottom line is to make more sales through your digital channel no matter what strategy you use.

Understanding these differences in goals and metrics is key for businesses when planning their online marketing strategy. By focusing on the right metrics for each approach you will make sure your efforts are aligned to your specific marketing goals.

Timeframe and Results

When it comes to results, SEO takes longer timeframe while digital marketing can give quicker results through paid channels. SEO is a long term approach that can take months or even years to see results because you’re optimising content and website structure for organic search engine rankings.

On the other hand digital marketing results can be seen almost instantly through paid channels like Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other paid advertising forms. Understanding the differences in timeframe and results between SEO and digital marketing will help businesses decide which approach fits their needs and goals.

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SEO and Digital Marketing Together

While SEO and digital marketing have their own strengths, combining them will create a synergy that will maximize the impact of both. By combining SEO with other digital marketing tactics businesses can ensure a consistent brand message and seamless customer experience across all online touchpoints.


By combining SEO with other digital marketing tactics like paid advertising, social media marketing and email marketing businesses can increase online visibility, drive more traffic and conversions. This synergy will give the maximum impact of both approaches resulting to a more powerful digital marketing strategy.

For example SEO can drive organic traffic and visibility while digital marketing can drive brand recognition and engagement through different online channels. By leveraging the strengths of both SEO and digital marketing businesses can create a whole approach that will capitalise on each strategy.

Whole Approach

A whole approach to online marketing is key to having a unified brand message and seamless customer experience across digital interactions. By combining SEO and digital marketing strategies businesses can create a marketing plan that will optimise their online presence and reach their target audience.

Some tips to create a whole approach is to understand the customer journey, create optimised SEO and digital marketing content and use data to guide decisions. By focusing on these key areas businesses can ensure their online marketing strategy is comprehensive and effective.

Who to Hire: SEO Specialist vs Digital Marketing Manager

As we’ve seen the differences between SEO and digital marketing, it’s clear each approach requires different set of skills and expertise. To get the most out of these strategies businesses need to hire the right professionals who can execute and manage their online marketing efforts.

We’ll breakdown the skills and responsibilities of SEO specialists and digital marketing managers so you can make an informed decision for your business.

Skills and Responsibilities

SEO specialists are responsible for optimising website for search engine results. This will drive organic traffic to the website. Their skills and responsibilities are:

  • Developing optimisation strategies
  • Conducting keyword research
  • Updating website content
  • Analyzing website analytics
  • Keeping up with industry trends
  • Working with other teams
  • Implementing SEO techniques

Digital marketing managers are:

  • Managing budgets
  • Developing and executing marketing strategies
  • Working with other departments like content and creative to ensure consistency across channels

They usually have a bachelor’s degree in marketing or related fields. They have several years of experience in digital marketing.

Make the Right Choice

When deciding to hire an SEO specialist, digital marketing manager or both, you need to assess your business needs and goals. If your main goal is to improve your website’s organic search rankings and traffic an SEO specialist might be the right fit for your business. But if you want to increase overall brand visibility and customer acquisition through different online channels a digital marketing manager might be the better choice for you.

In the end it all comes down to your business objectives and resources. By understanding the differences between SEO and digital marketing and the skills and responsibilities of the professionals who specialise in these areas you can make an informed decision that will serve your business goals and get the most out of your online marketing.


SEO and digital marketing are different but they can work together to create a whole online marketing strategy. By understanding the differences between these two and the skills and responsibilities of the professionals who specialise in them businesses can make decisions on which strategies to implement and whom to hire. As the digital landscape changes businesses that embrace both SEO and digital marketing will be better equipped to adapt and succeed in today’s online world. Who in your business needs to know the difference between SEO and digital marketing strategies.

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