Top Ecommerce Website Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Business

For ecommerce companies, the success of their websites and the influx of search engine traffic are vital for driving sales and generating revenue. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is critical in guaranteeing that your ecommerce site achieves top rankings in search engine results, thereby boosting traffic and conversion rates. Nonetheless, numerous ecommerce businesses fall prey to common pitfalls that negatively impact their online performance. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the most frequent ecommerce blunders you should avoid to ensure your website thrives, and your business reaches its full potential.

Choosing The Wrong Ecommerce Platform

Selecting the right ecommerce platform is essential for the success of your ecommerce business. The ecommerce platform or content management system (CMS) you choose can significantly impact your online store, its SEO capabilities, and its overall functionality. Many businesses make the mistake of choosing a platform without considering its SEO features or compatibility with their needs, resulting in suboptimal performance.

When selecting an ecommerce platform, consider factors such as its built-in SEO features, customisation options, and the ability to integrate with various third-party tools. Consider the customer support options also, as many owners might not have excellent IT skills, so getting help when needed could be an essential factor, and nobody enjoys poor customer service. Does the platform allow you to build a blog? This could be a huge traffic driver if content marketing and creating content is part of your online approach. Additionally, look for platforms that offer a wide range of shipping and payment options to provide your customers with a seamless and convenient shopping experience. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose an ecommerce platform that best supports your business’s needs and helps you avoid many common ecommerce mistakes and SEO pitfalls.

choosing the wrong ecommerce platform

Using Manufacturers’ Default Images and Product Descriptions

Relying on manufacturers’ product descriptions and images is a common mistake that can negatively impact your SEO performance. While it might seem convenient and time-saving, using the default content provided by manufacturers can lead to duplicate content issues, as the same descriptions and images may be used by multiple retailers selling the same products. This makes it difficult to stand out for ecommerce brands as you are not offering something different and unique to your target audience.

Similarly, using manufacturers’ default images can lead to a lack of uniqueness and visual appeal on the product pages of your website. Invest in high-quality, professional product photography that showcases your products in the best possible light to stand out. Unique and visually appealing images can help attract customers and improve your website’s overall SEO performance. This might sound expensive, but many apps can help you create great, unique, professional product images at home, making your online business stand out.

Ignoring Keyword Research

One of the most critical aspects of SEO is keyword research. Many ecommerce businesses don’t conduct thorough keyword research or target the wrong keywords. This can lead to missed opportunities to drive organic traffic to your website. Invest time and resources into identifying relevant and high-traffic keywords for your target audience to avoid this mistake. Ensure you have all this data to understand the intent these keywords offer and how these fit in with entities across your products and business offerings. Use these keywords strategically throughout your website’s content, meta tags, product titles and URLs.

keyword research

Poor Site Structure And Navigation

A well-structured and easily navigable website is essential for user experience and SEO. Search engines like Google prioritise websites that are easy to crawl and index. A confusing site structure with broken links or difficult-to-find pages can negatively impact your SEO strategy. Ensure your ecommerce website has a clear and logical hierarchy, with categories and subcategories that accurately represent your products and services. Exploring entity SEO tactics here can help to build out categories and services and drive valuable customers to these pages.

Duplicate Or Thin Content

Search engines value unique, high-quality content and view duplicate or poor content as a poor-quality rating. Duplicate content or content that is too thin can significantly harm your SEO performance. Ensure that each product page on your ecommerce website has a unique, detailed, and well-written description that provides value to a potential or existing customer.

Failing To Optimise Product Images

Images play a crucial role in an ecommerce site, as they help customers visualise the products they are interested in purchasing. However, many businesses need to optimise their product images for SEO, missing out on valuable organic traffic. To avoid this mistake, ensure that your images are compressed to minimise load times and have descriptive filenames and alt tags. This will help search engines understand and index your images, boosting your website’s SEO performance.

Neglecting Mobile Optimisation

With the increasing use of mobile devices for online shopping, ensuring that your ecommerce website is mobile-friendly is essential. Failing to optimise your website for mobile users can lead to poor user experience and lower rankings on search engine results pages. Invest in a responsive website design that adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal browsing experience for all visitors.

a block in the ecommerce system

Failing to Meet Customer Expectations

In the competitive world of ecommerce, meeting and exceeding customer expectations is crucial for retaining customers and building a loyal customer base. One common mistake businesses make is failing to meet customer expectations, particularly regarding shipping times and fast delivery. Many business owners underestimate how quickly an online business grows and can get overwhelmed with deliveries.

Customers have come to expect quick and reliable checkout and shipping options from online retailers. If your ecommerce website does not offer a fast checkout process and delivery options, you risk losing potential customers to competitors who can meet these expectations. To avoid this, ensure a reliable and efficient shipping process. Communicate accurate shipping times to customers, and consider offering expedited shipping options to cater to those who require faster delivery.

By meeting customer expectations and providing a seamless shopping experience, online stores can build trust and loyalty among your target customers, leading to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth marketing, ultimately benefiting your ecommerce business’s growth and success.

ideal customer


As a business owner, addressing these common ecommerce mistakes can significantly improve your website’s search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic and boosting sales. Select the best platform, prioritise keyword research, optimise site structure and navigation, create unique and valuable content, optimise product images, and ensure mobile optimisation to maximise your business’s potential in the competitive world of ecommerce.

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