That deliver results!

Having an online presence is crucial for all businesses. But how do you get search engines to crawl your website and find all your content? The answer is technical SEO.

Technical SEO means optimising your website’s underlying infrastructure and backend to improve its visibility and performance in search engines. It goes beyond on-page and off-page SEO tactics and looks at the technical bits search engines consider when crawling and ranking websites.

Technical SEO has many benefits. Firstly it helps search engines understand and index your website better which means better search engine rankings. By fixing issues like website speed, proper URL structures, internal linking, mobile friendliness and XML sitemaps you provide a seamless user experience which is loved by both search engines and visitors. Technical SEO experts use Google Search Console to monitor website performance and identify areas to improve and make sure your site meets Google’s algorithmic requirements.

Also technical SEO services means better website accessibility which means your content is more likely to be found by search engine spiders and shown to relevant users. These search bots are responsible for crawling and indexing websites to make sure new and updated content is found and ranked by search engines. This increased visibility means more organic traffic and potential customers for your business.

Don’t let technical issues hold your website back. Get professional technical SEO services to optimise your website’s performance, user experience and drive more traffic and conversions to your online presence.

performing technical seo services on laptop

Many online businesses need to pay more attention to the technical side of website optimisation which is part of search engine marketing. A website with a solid technical foundation is key to getting traffic and converting visitors into customers. Our team can help you set up the foundation and a strategy to get more traffic to your site.

Technical SEO is an ongoing process. Our team can help you identify areas to improve and make the necessary changes so your site is always performing at its best. We can also help you prevent issues so you can focus on growing your business.

To succeed a website must be well designed, structured and user friendly. Our team can help you build a website that ticks all these boxes so you can attract and retain visitors. We know the impact of small issues on your sales. So we want you to know we will keep your site healthy and free of major issues.

Our technical SEO services are essential for any online business looking to improve its organic rankings and get more traffic to its site. Our team of experts can help you set up the foundation, fix technical issues and develop a strategy to get more traffic to your site. Don’t let technical issues hold your business back. Contact us today to find out more about our technical SEO services.

your business is our business

Website speed and performance

Website speed and performance is key to user experience and search engine rankings. In today’s fast paced digital world nobody likes to wait for a website to load. If your website takes more than a few seconds to load visitors will likely bounce and look elsewhere. This means poor user experience and negative impact on search engine rankings.

There are many ways to optimise page load times and user experience. One of them is caching which is storing some parts of your website in a user’s browser so they don’t need to be downloaded again on subsequent visits. Enabling caching on your website can reduce page load times and overall performance.

Another way is compression which minimises the size of your website files so they are more accessible and faster to load. By compressing your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files you can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred from the server to the browser and hence faster load times.

Minification is also important for website speed and performance. It removes unnecessary characters from your code such as spaces and comments. This can reduce the file size of your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files and improve load times.

There are many tools and techniques to measure and improve website performance. One of the most popular tool is Google PageSpeed Insights which gives you insights and suggestions to optimise your website. Follow the recommendations from tools like PageSpeed Insights and you can make informed decisions and implement changes to improve your website speed and performance.

In summary website speed and performance is key to technical SEO services. By optimising page load times through caching, compression and minification and using tools and techniques to measure and improve website performance you can have a fast and smooth user experience and boost your search engine rankings.

Schema markup

Schema markup is important to increase search engine visibility and improve your listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Schema markup is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines understand and display your website’s content more meaningfully. It adds context to your pages and allows for rich snippets and structured data.

There are many types of schema markup you can implement depending on your website content and purpose. Some of which are:

  • Organisation Schema: This markup helps search engines understand the basic information about your organisation such as its name, address, contact details and logo.

  • Product Schema: If your website sells products implementing product schema markup can give search engines detailed information about each product such as its name, price, availability and reviews.

  • Local Business Schema: For businesses with physical locations local business schema markup can give search engines details about the business’s address, opening hours and reviews.

  • FAQ Schema: Implementing FAQ schema markup allows you to give search engines FAQ style content which can appear as expanded snippets in the search results.

  • Review Schema: This markup helps search engines display review ratings and summaries for your products, services or content so they are more visible and appealing to users.

When implementing schema markup make sure to follow best practices so it can be effective in displaying rich snippets and structured data. Here are some to consider:

  • Identify relevant schema markup: Do research to find which types of schema markup are applicable to your website and content.

  • Add schema markup to relevant pages: Implement schema markup on pages that can give most value, such as product pages, service pages or blog posts.

  • Use the correct schema markup format: Follow guidelines to implement the recommended schema markup format for each type accurately.

  • Test and validate your markup: Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to verify your schema markup is implemented correctly and recognised by search engines.

  • Monitor and update your schema markup: Review your implementation regularly to ensure it’s up to date with your website content changes.

By implementing schema markup you can increase visibility and appearance of your website on search engine results pages and attract more users and targeted traffic to your site.

internal linking

Internal linking strategy

Internal linking is part of a website’s structure and overall SEO. By linking to other pages within your website you’re giving users and search engine crawlers a roadmap to your content.

Implementing internal links strategically can improve user experience by guiding visitors to related and relevant content and improve search engine visibility by distributing link equity throughout your website.

Here are some best practices to follow when implementing internal linking:

  • Relevant Anchor Text: When creating internal links use descriptive and keyword rich anchor text that matches the content of the linked page. This helps search engines understand the context of the linked page and its relevance.

  • Link Hierarchy: Organise your internal links in a hierarchical structure, with main pages linked prominently and less important pages linked from those. This helps search engines identify your website’s main pages.

  • Linking to Topical and Related Content: Linking to related content within your website can help users find more information on a specific topic and keep them engaged and reduce bounce rates. Interlinking relevant pages can also establish topical authority.

  • Use Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs are navigational elements that show users where they are within a website’s hierarchy. Including breadcrumbs with internal links helps users understand the relationship between pages and improve user experience.

By implementing a well thought out internal linking strategy you can improve your website’s overall structure and user navigation and search engine visibility and overall technical SEO.

Technical Website Issues

Technical SEO audit and error fixing

Technical audits are crucial in finding website errors, issues and opportunities for optimisation. By doing a technical SEO audit you can improve your website’s overall SEO and make sure it’s optimised for search engines and users. Using technical SEO audit services will give you a full assessment, fix technical SEO issues and implement best practices to improve site performance.

During an audit various parts of your website will be looked into to find out what’s hindering its performance in search engine rankings. This includes site speed, mobile optimisation, URL structure, crawling and indexability. A technical SEO consultant plays a big role here to guide improvements and make sure all critical areas are covered.

To do a full technical audit you need to use different tools and techniques. This may include reviewing server logs, analysing website metrics and performance data and using software to find errors and issues that are not visible to the naked eye. Technical SEO focuses on improving URLs, alt text, HTML, breadcrumbs, schema markups and robots.txt to improve site functionality and search engine visibility.

One of the most common technical SEO issues is broken links. These links on your website are no longer working and lead to error pages. Broken links are bad for user experience and can harm your SEO. By doing an audit you can find and fix broken links and make sure your website provides a smooth browsing experience to visitors. Finding and fixing technical SEO issues like indexability, Core Web Vitals and slow page speed is key to maintaining and improving your site’s ranking and organic traffic.

Server errors like 5xx or 4xx can slow down your website. These errors are related to the server hosting your website. They can make pages not accessible or not functioning properly. Technical audits can help you find server errors and fix them immediately and make your website accessible to users and search engines. A technical SEO specialist with the expertise of technical SEO specialists can do the audit and fix these issues fast.

Crawl errors are another common issue that can affect your website’s SEO. When search engine bots encounter crawl errors they may not be able to index your pages properly and you’ll get lower visibility in search engine rankings. Through technical audits you can find and fix crawl errors and make sure all your web pages are indexed and increase your chances of being in search results.

So there you have it, technical audits are key to finding website errors, issues and optimisation opportunities. By doing a full audit and fixing technical issues like broken links, server and crawl errors you can improve your website’s overall SEO and user experience.

Frequently asked questions

Technical SEO is the branch of the process that deals with site performance and user experience across various areas. Technical SEO services include a website audit to determine specific problems and how they can be fixed.

Technical SEO also offers advice on structuring websites that are easy to crawl, index and rank. A quality technical SEO company can enable your site to improve the user experience and search engine rankings by improving site performance.

A technical SEO ensures a website is technically optimised so search engines can crawl and index all the content and your users have the best experience. This involves analysing and reviewing the website’s structure, content, and technical implementation to improve its visibility and organic search traffic. Also, search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so you may have seen a drop in your organic visibility and target keywords. This could be a technical issue, and our technical SEO experts can identify and fix these.

There is an excellent chance that if you’re reading this page, maybe you already know that your website is not performing or has some technical SEO problems that may be impacting your website.

The Hone Digital team will create a clear technical strategy for your website and either implement the work ourselves or work closely with your in-house team to identify and fix these SEO issues efficiently.

Whether using popular content management systems such as WordPress, Duda, Shopify, Big Commerce or Magento, or even a fully bespoke platform, every website faces its technical SEO issues, and no audit is the same. Hence, having SEO professionals do this work is vital for your online visibility.

Whether you have a global e-commerce website needing e-commerce SEO, or something much smaller, our team has the technical expertise to audit, analyse and improve your website performance to increase website traffic and give you an excellent return on your investment.

You may have looked into free tools or used a technical SEO checklist. Unfortunately, these tools won’t give you an accurate picture of your SEO performance and where your website can make immediate improvements, and your website could still be missing out on a large chunk of potential visibility within search results.

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